MK ReflectionsFar from my fatherland I've dweltBecause my parents clearly felt That other nations we should reach, To them the gospel we should preach. Thus sev'ral cultures I have known, And parts of each are now my own. I speak in more than just one tongue; A few I learned while I was young. So diff'rent lands I could call Home, And sometimes it's wher'er I roam. Still, Home can everywhere seem far, Except where other pilgrims are. To my faith's heroes I relate, And them I seek to imitate. For they were strangers in this place; In hope of heav'n they ran the race. Ah, friends throughout the world I've made. Yet their goodbyes on me have weighed. Now often I just hope and pray That some close friends near me can stay. Thus, there is loss, yet more is gained, For many mem'ries are retained. And, unlike many things we reap, Our memories we long can keep. All this has made my skills expand, Let me the world more understand. And God my every trait can use For works He in advance did choose. What lies ahead I do not know; To new frontiers I still may go. Yet always I will heed the call Of Him to whom I owe my all. Copyright © DUS, 2004-2007 (The fourth stanza is based on Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:13-16, Hebrews 12:1. The seventh stanza is based on Ephesians 2:10. See also 1 Corinthians 12:7, 11, 18.) (Note: it is easy to change the first person singular to first person plural, e.g. to change "I" to "we".) In the above poem, I tried to address most of the common, major themes of the missionary kid experience, as described in MK/TCK literature and observed in my own experience. Acknowledgement: Some of the ideas contained in this poem are not my own, but are taken from various Missionary Kid/Third Culture Kid resources, such as http://www.tckinteract.net/, http://www.tckworld.com/, http://www.mknet.org/, and others accessible from http://www.mislinks.org/practical/mk.htm. I used http://www.rhymezone.com/ extensively to find rhymes for this poem. To the Glory of GodSo if you eat or if you drinkOr if you speak or if you think, Do everything, mundane or odd, All to the glory of our God. DUS, January 2004 (Based on 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Psalm 19:14.) (This poem is not related to the above poem, but it was composed at the same time and is too short to warrant its own page.) |
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